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In the farmers' houses there always was a loom. The occupation of women, especially during winter, took place between the kitchen and the loom, where the clothes were weaved for all the purposes: dresses and covers, sheets and canvas for sacks.
The farmers sowed the flax and hemp, whose plants, harvested and defibered during the summer, were spinned and weaved during the winter.
The sowing of flax was performed during the month of October. In June the plants were pulled up, gathered in handfuls ("mannelle") and placed to ret for fifteen days.
Once taken away from water and dried in the sunlight, the fibers were carded and broken up.
Then the canvas was warped, weaved and whitened.
The "scraper" was used to divide the seeds from the stems, the mallet and the flax brake were used to break the fiber, the cards to make the cleaning and to remove the short woody waste.
The fiber of flax, hemp or tow, rolled up to the distaff, was spinned by the spindle and then hoarded to the reel. The hank was inserted in the swift and the yarn, disentangled, was winded round the quills by the spinning wheel.
The yarns, from a rack with the quills, were stretched to the pegs of the warping machine.
Inside the museum there are two looms, a vertical one and an horizontal one.
The loom is made of various parts: two beams on which the warp winds itsefl round, the healds and hackles, the foot levers which allow the alternate opening of the warp and the sliding of the spool, the box that brings the yarn nearer to create the fabric.
The whitening started with the ash "pouring", made at home, and then was continued to the river, by repeatedly wetting and spreading the cloth out in the sunlight.

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